The Cievo
The Humans
The Shefro
The Elves
The Snow Sprites
The Cievo

The Cievo, known to other races of Orbis as 'the Deer People' or 'the Antlered People', occupy the kingdom to the far West, across the ocean from Satis and secluded from all other Orbis dwellers. Having spent thousands of years on their wooded island, these antlered people keep mostly to themselves. Their songs and tales are very old, from before the tenth century of the Dawning. They are preserved in carefully guarded books, and very few outsiders have heard them. The young of Arietes listen carefully to their grandparents, who tell the stories in their traditional form, following strict conventions. Told by the warm fires up in the everoak trees, none of these legends are ever taken across the ocean to the other peoples of Orbis. The Cievo keep their stories safe, for their own children's ears only, who will pass them on to their children, who then pass them on to theirs. And so the adventures and ballads of the secluded people of the West have been preserved, standing the test of time, for many more generations to come.
The Humans

The Humans, commonly known as barbarians and often referred to as 'grizzly' or 'unkempt', are the race that live across the ocean to the East of Arietes, its lands stretching up to the very North and down to the deep South. Though most of the Humans remain illiterate from birth to death, they also have legends and folklore, but their stories tend to be like the Shefro's and change with each telling. The Human children would often be the ones weaving the stories for their parents instead of the other way around. So, as time passed, many of the legends became somewhat askew from their original telling. Still, the theme somehow always remained the same, many of the stories with their heroes and villains making their way into the somewhat primitive artwork of the common folk. And thus the later generations were able to carry on the lore of their forefathers so that it shall never be forgotten.
The Shefro

The Shefro, known as 'the People of the Moon', are not shunned like the Snow Sprites or the Humans, but all races stay wary of these strange creatures of the far East, across the ocean from Salliet and Nix. All Orbis dwellers find them mysterious, and their tendency to glow in the dark often frightens those who are unaccustomed to it. Sadly, few inhabitants of Orbis know that the night-loving Shefro have a deep love for the art of poetry and storytelling.Their ballads and legends are among some of the most beautiful and heartfelt tales of Orbis. The Shefro children, by the light of the moon, learn the ways of their parents by way of their people's stories. They love to dance and sing them under the stars, as they go about their duties. The Shefro have always been like this, living their legends, and so the tales of old remain timeless, seeping into their way of life and even speech. It is said in Orbis that he who passes a Shefro on the road, passes an entire world walking by.
The Elves

The Elves, the noble guardians of the world of Orbis, are known by all as the 'People of Wisdom'. They remain in the south-east of Orbis, but word of their ingenuity and vast knowledge has spread across the other kingdoms. A people of peace, they rarely travel to other lands but keep their own borders secure. They want their children to grow up safely in the company of the wise and lettered. Their stories are not like those of the Shefro, who prefer tragedy, adventure and romance, nor are they like those of the Humans, who above all enjoy the fight, grit and splendor of storytelling. No, the Elves tell epic tales of heroic deeds of the past, read or recited in the style of proverbs and fables. Their tales are written to instruct. The Elves do not shun adventure, but they do not seek out conflict without a need. Their ancestors recorded the great deeds of the past, giving their descendants the opportunity to learn from their mistakes. Elves consider it their sacred duty to keep their tales secure in the hearts of their children.
The Snow Sprites

The Snow Sprites, the strong little people of the icy mountains, live in their small villages scattered over the snow-capped ranges of Nix. Every day is a fight to survive, to escape the clutches of starvation and the slaughter of their families by other tribes. Too occupied with their own troubles, one would think that the people of Nix would have very little time for storytelling, but that would a folly to think. In times of trouble, the Snow Sprites turn to the legends of their ancestors for guidance and reassurance. The small children of Nix, learning to guard and fight from the cradle, never forget the tales their mother's tell them from infancy. As they grow they carry those stories of hope, bravery and loyalty with them wherever they go. No story will ever be lost in Nix, so long as their young live to remember them.